Thursday, March 13, 2008


发信人: ggalaxy (银河), 信区: Stock
标 题: 删光了帖子,留下一句话
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 13 18:22:23 2008)


1 要忍的住;2 看准时下手狠;3 不贪不恋冷酷无情;

I was very bad on 1 during the first 6 month's trade experience. After painful lessons, now I am a little bit better.

Compare the two biggest enemies, greed and fear, I don't have fear most of time, but I am always too greed. I short MTL at 136.5 and set a stop at 143. The lowest price after my short was 121. I didn't take profit, now it becomes a loss. I should at least do one thing: never turn a profit to loss no matter how small the profit is! One dollar gain and one dollar loss is a huge diffrence!!!

People says:“An apprentice knows how to buy, but only master knows how to sell." Ok, I am still an apprentice!!

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