标 题: Re: 今天适合观察
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 2 12:38:53 2008)
march 11,300+, lost half in second day
march 18,300+, lost more than half on second day!
plus,this time,VIX is the 200MA!
The positive factor this time is 50MA is flat(not down)and above 50MA。On
the other hand, this time, it is too close to FEB high and NOV low.
In summary, down side possibility is much larger!
【 在 vankie (似水流年--臭流氓 | 一刀拿下!) 的大作中提到: 】
: 一句话给说说? 公司电脑连不上捕捞阁.

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