Sunday, June 22, 2008

some advises

发信人: eric717 (eric), 信区: Stock
标 题: Suggestions to yyber
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 21 22:58:38 2008)

Here's my 2c:

If you are really interested in finance field, go to get a degree then find
a job or just find a job directly. Personally I don't think it's a wise
decision to quit the job and trade full time unless the interest income
you earn in money market fund on your current cash is more than your
annual total compensation. If you meet this criteria you can risk some of
your money on losing positions and still keep positive attitude when you
make investment decisions. Otherwise when you are in pressure to make money
and trade too often you could end up losing lots of money.

To be successful as a trader, you have to have passion not just try to make
money and become rich quickly. For me reading investment articles and doing
research at home after work is just my hobby and I love to do it. In our
generation, lots of smart people picked up the wrong major and paid the big
price. I myself was in biogy field for over 10 years. When we were in China
there was no stock market yet. Although we wasted lots of time we can always
switch to the field we love. It will never be too late. I am currently
working in financial industry and very happy on my decision to change
career path to do what I really like.

In addition quitting the job to trade full time doesn't mean you have to be
a day-trader or swing trader to be successful. You can also be successful to
trade intermediate term.

Your health and and personal life is also important. You have to find the
time to enjoy the life. Keeping good health is No.1 thing above all.
Quitting the job and trading full time could be very stressful. I also
agree with the opinion expressed by a couple of other people: trading full
time doesn't necessarily mean that you will be more successful.

发信人: chinook (Base Loaded), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: Suggestions to yyber
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 22 15:00:14 2008)

I get to say Eric said all what I wanted to say, yyber. Please re-evaluate
your decision with all the feedbacks you got.
Lastly, I would guess your decision might be still a GO, considering your
mood and situation now. That's completely fine, life is a place full of risk
and reward, and you go what you like to pursue. However, this would be my
1c suggestions, hope you can keep in mind and I will type in Chinese to make
you remember better :-)

1. 设好人生的止损。

入,什么都别说,也别想,不要去寻找任何的理由,回到正常人的生活轨道上去 - 


gamble. again, nothing is more important than stay in the game.

3. 不要疏忽家庭。

不要过分相信炒股是为了给家人更好的生活,你可以有很多其它挣钱的路子, 同时也让

After all, best luck!
发信人: eric717 (eric), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: Suggestions to yyber
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 22 16:52:26 2008)

yyber, I have to say the second point mentioned in C Shuai's message is
extremely important if you already made your mind to trade full-time. Even if you can devote all your time on trading it doesn't mean youhave to trade all the time. Chasing missed opportunities and losing money is worse than sitting tight on
cash. Enter point usually decides if it's a winning or losing trades.

发信人: wavelets (蝌蚪游呀游), 信区: Stock
标 题: 年轻人不鼓励专职炒股
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 21 19:06:53 2008), 转信

生活中比钱和股票重要的多的是。 把炒股当成职业,自己给自己还有家人带来压力,
发信人: wavelets (蝌蚪游呀游), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: 全职炒股,其实是很私人的事情
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 21 20:53:52 2008), 转信

beating the market is not the result of full time trading.

although some people make money in stock and doesn't like their job and they
but quit job doesn't mean could increase your winning odds dramatically.

the critical point is not about how much time you put in.
发信人: dodododo (大国米必胜), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: 支持yyber的决定
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 21 20:44:33 2008)


发信人: coke1 (coke), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: 全职炒股,其实是很私人的事情
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 21 20:48:27 2008)

其实就是那样的。168老大d56,yahoo 都是没怎么工作过就小小资本翻很多翻过后就
全职了。 当然象d56那样借credit card来炒股的还是很少见的。不过有作为的人都是
不代表自己一定不可以。自己选自己的路就是了。最好就做点防范措施,有个plan b。

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