Monday, January 21, 2008

Coke‘s buy list

发信人: coke1 (coke), 信区: Stock标 题: Re: let's make a buy list发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 18 16:34:56 2008) weektrade: DRYS, agriculture, WFR
2. hold for the next couple of months with any significant market dips that sink all boats
hold(diversify): GFIG,agriculture, CQB/FDP,RICK,BBBB(around 30), CROX
=====================================================================发信人: coke1 (coke), 信区: Stock标 题: Re: let's make a buy list发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 18 17:28:07 2008)
股市惨淡的时候, 我自己整理一下想法吧. (buy on significant market dips that bring all stocks with them).大家提意见吧. 批评比较好.
hold(diversify) A: GFIG,agriculture related, CQB/FDP,RICK,BBBB(around 30), CROX/lulu
hold(diversify) B: ALOG,CVD/PPDI, agriculture related, AAPL/GOOG/BIDU/MSFT,ATVI/,RTP/PBR
hold(diversify) C: EWM/EWZ, agriculture related, VE/SZE,GEO,DWSN/FWLT,NOK,WFR

==============================================================================发信人: coke1 (coke), 信区: Stock标 题: Re: let's make a buy list发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 18 18:48:21 2008)
mostly personal prefences .
B is the riskiest one in my opinion ( in terms of downside risk, since thesestocks haven't corrected as much yet and are fairly high profile). However, they are in one of the few safest areas, defense, healthcare, tech..etc
C is the lowest risk. Secular bull sector plays for the most part (water, agriculture, solar, resource rich emerging market, etc). some with dividend yield.
A relies more on individual stocks (mostly high growth).
when it comes to buy-and-hold, always buy in different batches , to average down a couple of times though (but not too many times. If one has to keep averaging down, something's wrong)

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