Wednesday, April 30, 2008

不要赌博event----by wavelets

发信人: wavelets02 (消失), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: 不要赌博event
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 30 15:46:32 2008)

psp's way fit your personality.
if you can not held yourself do a small betting
but make sure you could do about 10 times post ER move to make it up if you
are wrong.

for post event, there are a few key point to pay attention:

fake move to shake,
over reaction on the event news,
IV change,
temperate rebounce, pullback.
and your most familiar TA techniques

the advantage is the post event is very active, and you could easily utilize
your skill (could be TA, could be knife catching, could be quick news
digest, could be scalping... whatever you name it) and take highly efficient
profit from the actions. (more liquidate, easy overreaction etc)

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