Thursday, December 6, 2007


发信人: ggalaxy (银河), 信区: Stock标 题: Re: DT 大棚FFHL发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 6 11:24:28 2007)

it is very bullish DT slop and shelf pattern.. any one who is interested in this DT might want to study this pattern. The characteristics of this pattern is every slop (pop) followed by the shelf consolidation. Usually thefirst slop or explosion constitutes of the 80 persent price movement. The 11MA life line in 5minute chart serves as a strong support, which gives you a criteria to enter or exit the position. Take HOKU for another example two days ago..Just FYI.

发信人: ggalaxy (银河), 信区: Stock标 题: Re: 小心SOLF可能的Exhaustive Gap Up发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 5 17:54:40 2007)

顶部放量不涨是挺可怕的...不过从+20% 到-10%到没想到...我接近开盘价26就COVER 了..

【 在 GoneAway (股市第一要诀:合理止损最重要) 的大作中提到: 】: 回头总结一下,这种连续爬升的股票,到了第四第五天,碰上: 大幅的gap up,加上放量不怎么涨的情况,日内跌的可能性远远大与涨: 所以今天银河的操作非常值得称道


发信人: ggalaxy (银河), 信区: Stock标 题: 预告:My next bottom fishing bitch: FTEK发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 6 12:33:22 2007)

this is the bitch on my close watch now for bottom fishing play (you know you have to skill different techniques to gain in the stock market).

In next few days watch out for the following signals:

1 selling climax
2 strong positive candle
3 several NRDs then break up or doji

Those are the signals that invites immediate LONG action to catch BM. Like Idid last time @late september. It is time again.Also be careful to note the global support is not violated.FYI.

NOTE: bottom fishing is a dangerous play but with quick large gain compared to other type of LONGs. so keep this in mind.

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