Tuesday, March 4, 2008


发信人: yyber (冲动是魔鬼),
信区: Stock标 题: 总结一下为什么两天前我坚决做空
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 1 00:25:25 2008)
1.Overall we are in bear market.
2.DOW reached resistance.(I posted the figure)
3.VIX reached 200 MA. (I posted the figure)
4.RSI of weekly SPX is about 42(now 38 after these two days),as you can see it is the separate line.
5.$COMPX still in the triangle as I posted several times(it broke today).
6. IBM's news was funny. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame onme. I posted an article said "Cunzhang dislikes IBM".
7. I know there is a person called loser Ben.When he speaks, market crashes.


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